Why You Can’t Access Joy — And Why the Law of Attraction Just Looks Annoying!

I knew something didn’t sit right about ‘just think a better-feeling thought’ or ‘just raise your vibration’. When I found out what it was, everything made sense.

Helen Amery
3 min readAug 11, 2024
A stone on a wooden table with ‘Smile’ written on it, and a smiley face drawn each side of the word
Photo by Nick Fewings on Unsplash

It’s become crystal clear to me in recent weeks that my purpose in life is to clear the crap from our human systems (which has always started with my own!) so that we get to live a joyful, free, response-able life that we love.

We aren’t designed to live in a reactive state. We aren’t designed to live in contracted energy. We aren’t designed to live in limitation, or hiding. We aren’t designed for doubt, uncertainty, and second guessing.

I mean we can, and we do, and our system tolerates it. But it also makes us unwell — emotionally and physically. And it impacts everything.

And the truth of the matter is, that when we are so deeply identified with the bad stuff that was levelled at us when we were young, we simply can’t access joy. We can’t access true gratitude. We can’t access genuine appreciation. Or good feelings.

So when the law of attraction crew tell us we just need to think a better-feeling thought, something in us wants to lamp them one.

Now they are absolutely right — there is a better-feeling thought available. But not when you’re so identified with the idea you’re bad…wrong…worthless…useless…disgusting…a disgrace…shameful…

You get the idea.

You know it’s inauthentic to cover that deep self-hatred with a nice thought. You might have even tried in the past, and rightly given up.

Because that’s not the good-feeling you’re looking for.

You know you’re looking for the good-feeling that is effortless. Spontaneous. Causeless. Bubbling right there like a permanent well-spring.

And that’s not your experience right now.

It can’t be. Because you’re so identified with the bad thought about yourself. Potentially so identified you can’t even see what it is. All you know is things keep turning out like pants.

Of course there will be moments of joy in your life…moments of gratitude…glimpses of true deep love…but your baseline state is — I’m no good. Your default is to not catch a break, to not receive, to not enjoy.

And this sucks.

So in everything I do, my purpose is to clear the crap that prevents you from feeling good within yourself.

The purpose of everything I’ve ever engaged in for me has been to clear and lighten my experience….to feel increasingly good within myself…and to then share that with you…to clear and lighten yours.

And so everything that’s available in my world has that same purpose. Whether it’s Inner Landscape work, Energy Clearings, Transmissions, The Enlightenment Event…they’re all designed to clear the crap so you feel the love.

Because it’s then that better-feeling thoughts are easily heard. It’s then that you attract a different, better-feeling world. It’s then that you can feel genuine joy and gratitude.

Because this is true, authentic alignment.

This is you.

With love, Helen

Want to go deeper with a conversation about the truth of law of attraction?

Join the Wild Fig Community where we have honest conversations like this.

This is feedback from Community members from when I shared insights that gave a whole other level of clarity about the manifestation conversation -

“Thank you. This makes perfect sense and highlights bits of the whole manifestation piece I hadn’t understood before.”

“This makes total sense, I can see much of what I manifest — mainly the rubbish stuff — but yes, why it is totally unknown to me.”

Click here to access the video (Level 2 access. £55 a month. 50% off month one with coupon COMEONIN).




Helen Amery

Creating a life of alignment, with peace, love and joy.