Why Are You Still Seeking?!!

I’d been seeking since I first got some tough feedback in my corporate job — almost 15 years ago. It set me on a path of personal development to try and fix myself. When that didn’t work I moved into spiritual seeking, shifting my perspective to acceptance and inclusion. So much lightened and improved…but there was still something not right…Until now. This is the final stage of my journey that led me to stop seeking.

Helen Amery
4 min read22 hours ago
Woman with long dark hair holding a magnifying glass to her eye, to magnify it.

When I first qualified as a Mace practitioner, I announced it with much delight on Facebook. SO thrilled that I’d completed my training and could now start sharing this brilliant modality with others.

Not long after posting, one of my connections got in touch with me, seemingly quite upset that I was ‘still seeking’.

Why are you still seeking?!!! Was their flabbergasted message. “You’ve written this great book, it can make such a difference in the world. Why are you seeking something else?”

It didn’t make any sense to her. Fair enough.

But the truth for me was that I still didn’t feel complete in my human experience. I was unable to receive, I couldn’t feel full and genuine gratitude, I didn’t think I deserved appreciation, clients or money. I was continuing to push and strive and over-deliver to try and be enough for the world to say ‘yes, you’ve done it, you’re good enough — now you deserve to feel good’.

I knew — logically — that day was never going to come. I knew it had to start with me, on the inside. But I didn’t know how to get at this rumbling inner negativity and doubt that seemed to push good stuff away and stopped me truly, fully enjoying my life. It was like there was nothing I could do about it.

I’d tried SO many different approaches and modalities, each one lightening layers and layers of untrue ideas. And the energetic modalities were definitely getting the deepest. But none had — yet — shifted whatever this un-get-able-at yuk was.

BUT THEN I heard about negative identities and — oh!!!!

AND THEN I heard about The Mace Energy Method and — ooooohhhhhhh!!!


I knew it. Instantly I knew it. My whole system said yes.

And I was right.

I’ve now cleared the two biggest negative identities that had been running my life for…as long as I can remember. Two negative identities that had caused me to doubt, to react, to look to the world for approval, to check if I was doing, saying or being the right way so that they would be happy…Those two identities? — I am wrong and — I am a failure.

They weren’t just a thought, a belief or an idea. They were a full blown identity. Who I really thought I was as a person, at a very deep level. But so hidden from access via most modalities.

Since deleting those two from my identity playlist, I now feel fully relaxed and fully enjoying life. I’m not working endlessly in the hope it comes back to me one day. I’m not giving away my time or bending my boundaries so they’ll like me. I’m not making decisions based on what’s right for them, I’m making them based on what’s right for me.

And I no longer get that gut-sinking awful feeling if someone has a complaint or issue with something I’ve done or been involved in. I no longer automatically assume that I must be at fault here. The contracted, gut-punch reaction of ‘I must have done something wrong’ has disappeared!

Instead I can see everything clearly, with balance. I can see what’s mine to be responsible for, and what’s theirs. And I can respond appropriately and rationally, with care for all.

So why was I still seeking? Because that negativity was still running too much of my life and causing me problems.

But now, since using The Mace Energy Method, I feel complete and settled.

Plus I’ve found the perfect way for me to help other people get to feel this settled freedom and enjoyment too!

It’s a delight when you stop identifying with what’s not true about you. Then seeking can stop.

Have you found what you’re seeking for?

Much love, Helen

P.S. If you’re ready to stop seeking. I’d love to work with you:

Book your Foundation Sessions here.
(Foundation Sessions = 1 x 2 hours followed by 1 x 1 hour a week later).

“I feel so light, and clear, and alive!”
Mace Session Client

If you want to research more first:

Buy John Mace’s book “Causism” for a discounted price here.

Or explore the Mace Energy Method website here.

If you’re not ready to stop seeking yet:

No problem. When you’re ready, you know where I am.

I love feeling settled and free.
And I love helping others feel settled and free.
And Mace makes that possible.​




Helen Amery

Creating a life of alignment, with peace, love and joy.