What failure, disappointment and shame made possible

I could never have felt these these feelings and emotions before, but this opened up so much.

Helen Amery
3 min readMar 28, 2024
Photo by Julia Taubitz on Unsplash

The ego says:

If it hurts, cover it up, run away from it, numb it with addictions, avoid it at all cost.

The soul says:

If it hurts, then as hard as it is, see it, be present with it, give it your love and compassion, for you cannot cut off a part of yourself and feel whole.

IG: @xavier dagba

All change begins with full acceptance of everything exactly as it is — and our growth and evolution seems to be an ever-deepening into this truth. And therefore into greater acceptance. And greater change.

This is why I had such an incredible experience when I fully felt, accepted and included failure, disappointment and shame.

All change begins with full acceptance of everything exactly as it is — and our growth and evolution is an ever-deepening into this truth. Therefore making it an ever deepening into greater acceptance. And ever deepening into greater change.

This is why I had such an incredible experience when I fully felt, accepted and included failure, disappointment and shame.

Click the video to watch me share about this. Then keep scrolling for an inquiry to consider your experience.


Check what your experience is like just now

It’s really easy for us to get something intellectually, but the emotional system doesn’t yet get it. That’s when it’s time to go deeper. So check what your experience is like. Do you…

  1. Fully embrace all emotions as they arise?
  2. Embrace the nice ones, and struggle with the negative ones?
  3. Even struggle with the nice ones — quickly taking yourself out of enjoyment with a thought like ‘it won’t last’ or ‘don’t get carried away’ or even just ‘oh look I’m having a nice experience’ (and poof the fullness of enjoyment has gone).
  4. Stay safely in thoughts and thinking. Ideas and doing.

I’m guessing you can see that only the first one is in the fullness and wholeness of all experience. The other three are showing that you have the opportunity to meet, and therefore enlighten, your emotional experience.

When you do that, you can fully accept and include feelings and emotions as they are, which opening your world to more potentiality, more possibilities and more incredible experiences like the one I had.

There are so many ways you can accept and include — to make friends with your feelings and emotions. Which are you drawn to?

Much love, Helen

P.S. In April, we’re going on a journey of accepting and including emotions — Emotional Enlightenment.

Are you interested in this? In meeting your emotional experience exactly as it is.

The outcome is a lighter, easier, more flowing experience of life. Not because you’re trying to get that. Simply because that’s all that remains when we stop struggling, resisting, rejecting or avoiding.

Read all about The Enlightenment Event here.

April is the month for Emotional Enlightenment.

Much love, Helen

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