Want to stop overthinking and over analysing?
It’s not your thinking that’s the problem, it’s what you’re trying to escape.
How much of your day do you spend in your head?
Ruminating. Debating. Analysing.
And therefore how much of your day are you truly present to what’s happening right in front of you — right here, right now?
I’m guessing the majority for you is in your head. Engaged in inner drama and debate rather than enjoying the world around you. Because if you weren’t in your head you’d be out there just living your life rather than reading things like this!
But why do you do this? Why do you live in your head?
The simple fact is that you’re trying to escape what you fear inside of you.
In the Enlightenment Event, as we moved through the Psychological and into the Emotional, a core message was that —
being caught up in thought is a symptom of escaping from something emotional that you think you can’t, or don’t want to, experience.
Thought has become an escape hatch — If I don’t want to experience this emotion, I’ll leap up into conceptual ideas and thoughts about it, and me, and them, and then I’ll use my energy to debate and second guess and analyse what was going on, what will be going on, what I need to do about it, and anything else that will distract me from feeling that.
And this is exhausting. This is why you get so much energy back when you stop wasting it on unnecessary thoughts. The thoughts are simply an attempt to save yourself from the emotion you think you can’t bear.
If you’re afraid of anger, you leap into thoughts to try and analyse your way to the ‘right’ solution. You work hard to manage and control everything. And you do anything possible to keep others happy — irrespective of what would make you happy. Anything to keep the peace and avoid conflict and anger.
If you’re afraid of being hurt or upset, you leap into thoughts to try and find the ‘right’ way to put a positive spin on it. Or to distract yourself away into thinking about something else. Maybe even attacking the other to detract from yourself. Anything to maintain the appearance that you’re doing it right and to not feel upset.
But under the surface of all that activity, lurks the dis-ease of an emotion that naturally wants to be felt and move.
You know it. You can feel you’re not entirely settled on the inside. You can sense the lurking question mark that hangs over you. Constantly reminding you of your inauthenticity.
And boy does that feel like the biggest pile of pants. Because it’s not the real you.
Which brings you to the big question — do I want this to change?
If it’s a yes — what specifically do I want to do about it?
- Do I want something gentle and soothing? Something that might only temporarily regulate my nervous system — but which will settle it long enough that I can open my view finder to another, longer-lasting solution
2. Do I want something that brings me inward and into closer connection with everything I’ve been escaping? Do I want to turn around and face those experiences I’ve feared, within myself, and include them.
3. Do I want something root-cause-clearing? Do I want to simply go straight to the nub of the issue and get rid of the source of the fear?
These are all valid paths. And the right one is the one that’s right for you. Right now.
Which do you choose?
With love, Helen
Here’s what I’ve got for you for each of these paths.
Get out of your head and feel more of the real you —
1. The Soothing Path — some of my free Energy Transmissions are great for soothing. Try this Settling one. Or this Feeling Safe one which Nicky Drew and I did together. There are quite a few other options too. See the full Playlist here.
2. The Inclusion Path — The Enlightenment Event is all about including all of you and all of your experience. This week we have the final live call for the first journey’ers, but the whole thing is open for you to navigate your own inclusion journey. Join here.
3. The Clearing Path — The Mace Energy Method. The most effective root-cause-clearing solution I’ve ever come across. Start with your Foundation Sessions by booking here.