I had no idea!

This is about the ongoing ‘no-idea-ness’ of being a parent. And the difference it makes to be grounded in who you are.

Helen Amery
2 min readJul 25, 2023
Black and white photo of woman holding her face with both hands and looking confused
Photo by Sherise Van Dyk on Unsplash

I had no idea what it was like being a brand new mum when I asked my sister with her newborn baby to be trying on bridesmaid dresses for my wedding.

I had no idea what it was like having a 3 month old when my sister was then bridesmaid.

I had no idea how in shock I’d be when my baby came early.

I had no idea what it was like having mastitis in both boobs and how s*&t I would feel with a new baby.

I had no idea how physically demanding and utterly exhausting it would be to become a mum.

I had no idea how much I valued my freedom until ‘popping out’ took at least an hour of prep.

I had no idea what I could handle on my own, till it was all down to me.

I had no idea how much greater than double it would feel to have a toddler and a newborn.

I had no idea how thankful I’d be of returning to work for a break.

I had no idea how much conflict mediation would be required for two small people.

I had no idea how much I’d love them watching TV so I could rest.

I had no idea how much organisation and planning would be required for a family of four with school, birthdays, play dates, clubs, medical appointments…

I had no idea what an emotional and sensory overload school was for them.

I had no idea how easily my free-spirited, un-self-conscious pre-teens could suddenly feel so embarrassed by everything, and so resistant to most.

I had no idea how to navigate one who watches a pirated movie.

I had no idea how it would be navigating GCSEs

I had no idea…

I will continue to have no idea…

But the navigation of it has become INFINITELY easier as I’ve deepened and deepened into the grounding of who we really are. Absent of the inner battle of an unconscious mind.​​

I am so thankful for that.

Now​​ I can ride whatever the next parenting lesson is that comes along, with no need to know how that will go. And with the ability to re-centre when I forget.​​

Do you feel grounded while you ride the parenting waves?

With peace, love and joy; Helen

If you’d like to feel grounded in the ongoing no-idea-ness of parenting the Conscious Parenting Programme starts 7th September. Book a call with me or with Pip. We would love to help you decide if it’s for you or not.

You can also check us out here in the Conscious Parenting Playlist.




Helen Amery
Helen Amery

Written by Helen Amery

Creating a life of alignment, with peace, love and joy.

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