Are you afraid of the next step in your growth?

If you’ve been feeling fear and resistance about an opportunity for developmental growth and expansion, this transmission is for you.

Helen Amery
2 min readOct 5, 2023
Image of Helen Amery, wearing dark round neck jumper, dark curly hair, in her home office

It’s really normal that just before a leap to your next level, you feel fearful, and retreat, sometimes old patterns come up even stronger than before. We often take it as a sign we’re not ready. You’re ready. You’re about to push through and leap. And this transmission is here to support you in easing through that process.

As well as telling you more about all this at the start of the video, I then invite you to join me for an Energy Transmission, with the intention of supporting you through this resistance, and into your next stage of evolutionary growth.

If you’ve never heard of Energy Transmissions, or received one before, you want to come with a “yes” in your heart (your heart already knows if you want this or not). And, to support your mind, there are FAQs at the end of this page.

So far I’ve been receiving lovely comments about the beautiful feeling this transmission created for them, so I hope you love it too.

Much love, Helen

P.S. During the video I mention the Constellations Circle which is starting 19th Oct 23. Find out more about that at the top of this page.

And if you’d like to receive private Energy Transmissions, for a more personalised and powerful impact, book yourself in here.



Helen Amery

Creating a life of alignment, with peace, love and joy.